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So just what is this exactly?
Phil Likes Tacos is a daily webcomic about Phil, an overworked fast food employee, and his roommate Doug, a video game addict. All day at work Phil has to put up with angry customers, absurd orders, incompetent coworkers, demonic bosses, and everything else that really happens in the fast food world. At home, he has to deal with his long time friend’s lack of common sense and taking his games way too far. Basically the comic is a nice output for frustrations at work, video game related humor, and just a fun little project for my spare time.

The art style choice
Everyone and everything in the comic is drawn in a unique and time saving stick figure style. Yes, I can assure you that I can draw better, however making a whole world in a style such as this has its share of difficulties as well. The main one is coming up with new and bizarre ways to draw everyone. All of it is drawn by hand in ink with some penciling when necessary. The Sunday’s comics are colored in a variety of ways, mostly colored pencils and crayons, or whatever else I can think of. I do some touching up and editing in Photoshop as well. And yes, I am very aware that I am a horrible speller, even when I do check in beforehand.

I started the comic early 2002, after thinking a webcomic would be something fun to do. I whipped up our two characters for fun. They were not inspired Don Heismick’s animated short "Rejected" or Chris Whetstone’s webcomic;s main character in "No 4th Wall to Break". The first strip appearing on May 27 through Keenspace. I started out with just daily comics at first, with Sunday comics starting on September 1 of that same year once I felt I could do it. The comic ran pretty smoothly after that, with the exception of a few problems with Keenspace including the whole server crashing and my archives getting deleted.

In the fall of 2003 I tried my hand at a Cafepress store with less the stellar results. And by that, I’m talking about the amount sold and the quality of the products. Though I did get a really awesome shirt out of it. In 2004, I created two pages in the third Keenspace book which was a showcase for webcomics. It was a giveaway to comic book stores on Free Comic Book Day of that year, and was available for purchase at that years Comic-Con convention at San Diego.

But alas, after two and a half years of relatively smooth running, the comic ran into a rather large snag. With a combination of moving twice, computer problems, and radical work schedule changes I fell behind on the comic. VERY fall behind. To make a long story short, eventually it led to two weeks missing in November of 2004 and most of the month of March in 2005. However, everything picked up from there, including the comic reaching the milestone 1000th comic strip on April 7

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And other things you might be wondering about after you've been reading

Q. Where do you get your ideas?
A: Ah, it’s every cartoonist’s favorite question to which they have no answer to. Simply put, cartoon ideas just come out of nowhere. When I get an idea, I fiddle with it until I get something I’m satisfied with. I can’t stand making comics that are all nothing but setups and punchlines. I like characters having conversations, doing things, and having what I call a double punch out (one character makes a joke at the end, then another tops him with his own joke). Sometimes I think up a storyline or a series of gags that can run for a week and occasionally even longer. But after you’ve gotten a webcomic well developed the characters almost write for yourself.

Q: Is Doug Canadian?
A: No. Even though I probably got the head flapping idea from the Canadians from "South Park", Doug is a 100% TV babysat, fast food filled, computer junkie American like all of us.

Q: Hey, I noticed (such and such) in the background, is that right?
A: It probably is. I love background humor. Some comics somehow end up with funnier stuff going on behind it then in it. My most common background gag tools are the ever changing pictures in Happy Tacos and on Phil and Doug’s walls. The way I see it, if you’re drawing a background with a lot of space in it, why not put something funny in?

Q: If this comic is in our reality, where does PLT take place?
A: Phil and Doug are in yet another unnamed city generically in the United States. It’s just another one of those things left up to the readers to say for themselves or not care at all about, like everyone’s ages (oooh, never thought of that one, did you?). However, a lot of the locations in the comic are based off of a city I lived in for a few years when I first started the comic.

Q: Now that you mention it, how old IS everybody?
A: Another question that has no real answer. Whatever you think, teenagers just out of their parents houses or adults who just can’t get anywhere in life, is pretty much right. I know what they are in my mind, but maybe you’d enjoy it more if you thought differently.

Q: Is there really a Happy Tacos fast food place?
A: No, I made up the fast food chain completely. It’s strange in a comic that has everything from this world (the same video games and movies, and Phil’s a Pepsi drinker if you look closely). The reason I made up the place Phil works at is because it gives me absolute control with it. If Phil worked at a Taco Bell instead, I couldn’t put out anything in merchandise that would portray Phil in another company’s business.

Q: So are you going to get PLT into a newspaper?
A: The chances are slim to none, but probably none more then slim. You have to go through a newspaper syndicate to get a comic printed in the papers, and they only accept about three out of six thousand new comics a year. Plus my comics is rather limited by some of the gags and a stick figure like style is probably going to be frowned upon.

Q: Well how about making book collections then?
A: I’ve looked into it, even asking some lawyers about it at San-Diego Comic-Con. But it’s such an iffy thing at this point I’m pretty much saying no. Some of my long running video game stories tend to use characters from the games, and that’s not good for copyright reasons. Technically I might be able to squeeze by with book collections seeing as how the unoriginal characters are reoccurring, but really, do I want to take that chance? I’d also hate to have some company see it and get made and make get rid of those comic and everything. Hey, it’s happened to Penny-Arcade before! But then again, they’re actually getting a book deal, so who knows.

Q: What about some PLT merchandise?
A: I tried merchandise once, but I hardly had enough readers to even buy any of the stuff. However, I’m not giving up because I still have a few ideas that could work. I don’t just make a image and slap it across every item they have available in the store. That seriously cheapens the comic, and I find it unappealing to go into a CafePress store and see dozens of the same thing. Anybody can toss a few images on a CafePress store, and most people do. I take time in designing these things to make sure that not only the fans will enjoy them, but also people who don’t know anything about PLT would enjoy the stuff.

Q: What’s with the strange titles on the top of the page?
A: I never really could settle for a good web title (the long name that appears across the top bar), so I decided to have it change all the time. Each one would last a few months dealing with something going on in the entertainment world and such. There’s two reasons I do this. The first is because it actually gets people to look at the comic thanks to search engines. To keep it from feeling like a dirty trick, I always make sure some of the comics deal with what the title is talking about. The other reason I do it? I think it’s fun and quite entertaining.

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